Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Busted by Microsoft at NANOG 61

Now that I have retired twice I enjoy a bit of travel with my spouse especially if he is going to be at a conference in a nice place on my birthday.  Two years ago we were in Vancouver in June, and last year we were in New Orleans.  In fact, last year my birthday was celebrated with a band parading down Bourbon Street, all part of the conference entertainment. Joe quite openly brought me as his spouse, and the hosts were gracious in allowing me to attend the parties.  While he was at the conference I toured the city.

Not so this time. The conference was in Bellevue and catching a tour of Seattle was logistically difficult. No problem.  There were 250 shops only a step away from the hotel.  On Monday evening we ate dinner at a sushi restaurant and then dropped in on the party, had a drink, watched a comedian, and turned in early.
On Tuesday evening we set out for the party at a chain brewpub planning another early evening. Not to happen. This party sponsor was Microsoft. The young ladies at the door wanted to see my conference badge. We explained the usual spouse situation and one of them left with her phone to consult a higher being. Nope, this was a closed event. There were hints that I might be a journalist or corporate spy rather than the little old lady. I appeared to be.
We were chuckling as we strolled down the mall back to the hotel.  We had set the protocol for the evening, knowing there would be other spouses turned away also. Along the way we saw one of joe's colleagues who also had no badge. He muttered something about talking to Microsoft about getting in, and ducked into a nearby skyscraper.  Before he disappeared he mentioned a good Irish pub around the corner.
So I celebrated my birthday in an Irish pub, what better place for my Irish self.  As I sipped my glass of wine (Guinness would be going too far) I reflected on the fact that somehow in the town that Bill Gates built, the Evil Kingdom had sensed my iPhone and iPod and iPad carrying self and busted me. Dinner was delicious.