Tuesday, December 28, 2004

A Dog's Tail

The small critter, the one they call Drew, finally did it. He went in the car, when I clearly heard the word "Walk?" addressed to me. His gramma, otherwise known as MY Ginny, told me that they were going to some place called the Farm, where I would not be allowed. So off they went in a glorious sunshiney day, and I moped at home.
But I got even. Ginny was watching Drew in the front yard and I ran away from home, all the way out of the court and down the street. I took my own sweet time coming back, too. Of course I expected her to chase me, but she couldn't do that with the baby in tow.
Drew calls me Dahg, and tries to poke my eyes out. We are working up to a confrontation over animal crackers, which strongly resemble my dog biscuits. I received a lovely biscuit jar for Christmas. It says "Even bad dogs deserve treats". Of course we know I am no bad dog.
I heard that today Drew went to the library and actually went inside, something they never let me do. He screams much more than I bark. So I tried to wake him up from his nap. And he is working on pulling my tail.

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