Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Dog Days of Winter

This is from Homer again. Fortunately the small critter left. Unfortunately Virginia is missing Drew and big Drew and she insists on playing with me. Yesterday she put Big Drew's stocking cap on my head. And she found the jingle bell collar and now the birds hear me coming. My diet has returned to normal, so I haven't had to resort to socially unacceptable behaviour in order to get attention. And I sleep in the exact middle of the bed. On the weekend I slept on Joe's pillow. Christmas is coming, and I intend to refuse to wear a reindeer hat. I am afraid that the critter--Drew-- is coming back. Princess Mary is taking finals right now. Joe left for Calgary on business, but not before buying me a burger at In and Out. And Jon (aka Big D) is still in Prague. I miss the walks he took me on.

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